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a chemical peel

At Restore My Glow we have carefully selected professional peels that have little to no down time, and that work in harmony with all our aesthetic and skin treatments.


These peels suit all skin types and skin conditions, even suitable for sensitive skin or those that have never had a chemical peel before. 

Stronger peels generally have more side effects than milder, more superficial Toskani peels that we use in clinic.  

Some of these may include:
•    Redness:  generally mild and may only last for a few minutes to a day at most.

•    Flare ups of acne or pimples: These are more common with the emollient post procedure balms used. 

•    Cold sores if you already have the cold sore virus. This can cause a flare up just by breaking the skin surface. 

•    Milia- uncommon but can sometimes occur from post procedure emollients. 

•    Hot and sunburn type sensation- this may last a few minutes to a few hours.

•    Hyperpigmentation- more likely if you get sunburnt following a peel and more common in medium and deeper peels. 

•    Hypopigmentation- more so in darker skin where there may be a lightening of the skin in parts. 

•    Scarring; very uncommon but usually associated with a history of poor wound healing or keloid scarring and in medium to deep peels. 


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